Press Kit:

Disco Neurotico: Reimagining raves for the nervous and neurospicy.

What We Do

At Disco Neurotico, we create inclusive events for those who, like us, love the idea of clubbing but often struggle with the reality. We offer all the colourful, bouncy fun of a traditional club night, but with enhanced safety and structure for those with anxiety issues, autistic sensitivities and anyone who finds live events a bit much.


We employ lots of strategies to take the edge off some of the more problematic elements of a night out. Here are just a few:


  • We use silent disco equipment and non-strobing lights so you can hear yourself think.

  • We provide calming quiet spaces to help combat sensory overwhelm.

  • We provide gaming and crafts for solo attendees and those who prefer structured interaction.

  • We offer you as much information as possible pre-event, such as providing virtual tours and the opportunity to arrive early and have a look around.  

  • We have a clear and accessible safety, inclusion and harassment policy.

  • Our well-being staff are always on hand to ensure everyone is safe and happy.

  • We are a largely neurodivergent team, so we get it.


    On top of this, we strive to platform neurodivergent talent - because as neurodivergent artists ourselves, we understand how hard it can be to break through in a neurotypical world.

Why we do it…

8 Million

People in the UK experience anxiety disorders at any given time.

26.2 billion

Views for #adhd on TikTok.

6 in 100 

People are diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder in any given week in England.


Rise in the number of autism diagnoses between 1998 and 2018 in the UK.


Of people in the UK experience at least mild anxiety symptoms.


Autistic people in the UK.

As you can see from the statistics above, these are not niche concerns - and they require fresh approaches. Drawing on years of research and collaboration with academics and experts by experience, Disco Neurotico aims to address the accessibility gap for neurodivergent and anxiety-sensitive clubbers.


Who we are.

My name is Byron Vincent and I’m the founder of Disco Neurotico. As an ageing raver with diagnoses of ADHD, autism and PTSD, I spent the 90s reaching for the lasers and having panic attacks in the UK's burgeoning club and festival scenes. Neurodivergent people like me often find club spaces overcrowded, unpredictable, claustrophobic and overwhelming. Stressful navigation, few escape routes and fraught interactions contribute to panic, sensory overwhelm and burnout, marring nights out and leaving us exhausted and isolated. However, the FOMO is real, so we either attend and endure or avoid and miss out. With Disco Neurotico, we aim to provide all the joys of clubbing, with none of the drawbacks.

You can find out more about the rest of our team on our Instagram.

Check out our Events & Tickets page for specific event details.

We don’t allow filming of the dancefloor at our events, so here’s some footage of our DJs and Doodle Wall from our event at F51 in Folkestone in December 2023.

30 second socials resource.